You know how these grass-cutters would cut the grass around your neighborhood? Slowly but surely noisily they would walk around, nonchalantly sweeping their mechanised cutters. They give the landscaped grass a trim to make it look as good as before, and then lie down on it, allowing the sweet green aromas of their work put them to sleep. They were cutting the grass when I blabbed my answer to her question. I think the sweet green aroma made me do it.
Behind her on that fateful evening, was a stream of handsome birds flying in an uncanny straight line right across the orange sky. Like a razor over the waters, it seemed to cut a temporary opening in the sky. A slit that we could pull open for that every instant and peek into the other side, the other world, or into the nothingness. What would you like to see on the other side? What can you imagine? Will things fall in? Or will you fall out? Will we enter into a minute universe will infantile and infinitely miniature worlds? Or will there be giants outside looking inquisitively at us peek out? So many possibilities, so many questions running through my mind that sometimes I wonder whether I really heard her question.
“Oh Yoshimi,
They don’t believe me,
But you won’t let those
Robots defeat me…”
That song by The Flaming Lips kept ringing, playing, intruding, caressing my mind when she was going on and on about her shock, exasperation, pissed-offness, WHAT THE!!!…nesses, at my unfortunate answer to her question. Such a nice and yearning song though. For a moment I wished I had a girlfriend called Yoshimi. Someone that I can shower on my love and attention on without fear, without doubt, without anxiety...with hope. Oh Yoshimi…She don’t believe me…My ex was quite a Yoshimi to me actually until my stupid answer to her ridiculous question.
“It’s bigger than yours.”
"Hey dun need to write self-intro lah..nothing to write. jus use my email add? ( it leads to facebook too."
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